Press Coverage
My Work Covered by Media Outlets
Getting written by the press has always been a question mark for me, really. I tend to get uncomfortable with brandishing my accomplishments in people's faces and prefer having my work do the talking. During my entire career, I've only always focused on work... almost addictively and perhaps some of the subjects I chose to make films on caught the attention of a few journalists who probably were seeking a similar path in their lives. My films probably satiated their own 'thrust'. I am glad to have come across a few such journalists who not only did justice to my work but also became good friends later on.
I was fortunate to be covered by local, national, and even international newspapers in the early years of my career. Here are a few snapshots.
Kanë filluar xhirimet e filmit më të ri “I’m Possible” me skenar nga Shqipe Malushi dhe nga Regjisorët Burim Haliti & Mahiema Anand!
Botasot, 28 September 2019
Kanë filluar xhirimet e filmit “I’mPossible”, një film që trajton sakrificën e solidaritetin
kultplus, 27 September 2019
Film screening, discussion mark Day 3 of Spiritual Film Festival
The Hitavada, 22 January 2018
Reflection of Delhi’s Myriad Moods
The Asian Age, 14 September 2009
A Flash of New Delhi Belly in Millennium City
Metro Now, 12 September 2009
The Burning Ghats of Benares
Speaking Tree, 2009
Holy Awakening
HT City, 9 October 2006
The other side is here
DNA - After.Hrs Sunday, 9 July 2006
Look what’s on Reality TV - 3-minute India fillers with a Pune angle
Pune Newsline, 9 July 2004
L’histoire de Maurice en images au sommet nations des enfants
l’express dimanche, 23 April 2004
Opening Credits
A Committed Filmmaker
Deccan Herald, 1989
Many journalists became friends in our course of discussions, interactions, and meetings. Some of them went on to profile my work for a piece in their magazines and included all that mattered to me beyond an addiction to work; family, friends, and home.
Journeys into the Unknown
New Woman, March 2013
Demystifying the Truth
Andpersand, December 2007
Director’s Cut
New Woman, Vol. 10, Issue 11
November 2006
In search of salvation
Life Positive, June 2006
Martial Law
E Times, June 1996
Audio/Video Interviews
My mother used to work for All India Radio back in the 70s and 80s when it was the only show accessible in India. Her dedication, sincerity, and honesty towards presenting a raw, unfiltered, and genuine personality through her voice perhaps rubbed off on me, as some of the audio and video interviews I've given over the years will show.
Paranormal Evidence from India and My Shift in Consciousness
NightVision Radio, 30 October 2021
Your Conscience: The Key to Unlock Limitless Wisdom and Creativity
American Meditation Institute, 27 September 2021
Behind the Lens: Science Explains the Language of Healing
Higher Self Expo, 31 July 2021
Being in the Witness Box
The Soulful Exploration, 2 June 2021
Mysticism and Filmmaking
NightVision Radio, November 2016
The Loan Trap
Times Now, 24 February 2008